created by Brian LeRoux & Andrew Lunny. sparodically uncurated by David Trejo.

2011 11 11 the universe answers and JavaScript still makes us wtf

This installment of wtfjs has to do with implicit type conversion during arithmetics and operator ambiguity / overloading.

If you can figure out what this returns on the first guess, I'll give you a great big hug the next time I see you:

    // is there an error (if not, what do I return?)
    "3" -+-+-+ "1" + "1" / "3" * "6" + "2"

Now, I won't spoil the fun for those of you at home trying to do this mentally, but the answer probably isn't what you'd expect. Go ahead, run it in a JavaScript console - WTF?! ^)*&#) right?

Firstly, I'm not sure about you guys, but I forgot some basic stuff from elementary school math - order of operations. One usually doesn't look at these when doing (supposed) string concatenation (but we're doing a little bit more than that, aren't we?).

The precedence of operators in JavaScript are (from highest to lowest):








                                          ? :


First you'll notice that the + occurs twice (already a bit confusing), but additionally can be used for string concatenation based on contextual cues and type hints (i.e. 5 + "2" = "52", not 7).

11.6.1 The Addition operator ( + ) The addition operator either performs string concatenation or numeric addition.


If Type(lprim) is String or Type(rprim) is String, then

Return the String that is the result of concatenating ToString(lprim) followed by ToString(rprim)


Return the result of applying the addition operation to ToNumber(lprim) and ToNumber(rprim).

So this means we'll have to find out what which + is doing what.

Additionally, you can throw a unary + or - operator onto UnaryExpressions like candy to change their signs and make things prettier and easier to understand for your fellow developers. Note that every - flips the sign, but + does essentially nothing functionally to the result of the UnaryExpression (i.e. +1 === 1).

NOTE: Unary + can be useful to cast to numbers (hence the +new Date hack we often see to emulate and to guarantee you're casting to decimal (i.e. +"013" is 13 but parseInt("013") is 11). This method has the drawback, however, that it can't handle letters in the string (i.e. +"1a" gives NaN whereas parseInt("1a") gives 1, and accidental octal conversion number guessing by parseInt can be fixed by adding a base to parseInt (i.e. parseInt("08", 10) is 8).

These unary operators are evaluated first as they have the highest precedence, so we start with the result of +-+-+"1" (notice how the first - is treated as the operator when evaluating an AdditiveExpression). The result of this is simply 1.

NOTE: This ignores your grammar teacher's rules about double negatives.

Let's make this line into an expression tree. After unary operators are evaluated, we have:


         "2"         +

              *              -

          /     "6"      1      "3"

     "1"     "3"

However, we don't know what types are implicitly cast yet. Let's make another tree showing non-ambiguous operations (/, *, -):


         "2"         +

              *              -

          /      6       1       3

      1       3

This greatly simplifies the bottom of the tree as they're all now numbers. We continue evaluating from bottom left most child up, which evaluates the expression as so: (3-1)+((1/3)*2) = 2 + 2 = 4. This leaves us with this tree:


     "2"      4

This last operation is ambiguous, so we look to see if either operand is a string (which "2" is), so the type of lprim or rprim is String after calling ToPrimitive (which rprim is), so the final result is


(which is the obvious answer to life the universe and everything, really).


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